Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goal #2: My Savings Goal

So I am caught between a rock and a hard spot here. I need to pay down debt as quickly as I can. I have A LOT of debt. Albeit, mostly student debt, I still fill like I am a human with an ox yoke around my neck. So, do I freeze my savings goal (which is a very focused plan that I KNOW I can achieve) in order to pay down my non-student loan debt (mostly my car and one consolidated loan from school), which is about 20% more than my savings goal? I am erring on the side of GET OUT OF DEBT. I think that will give me more financial freedom and allow me time to be my own boss later, with some wiggle room to really get it right, and not rush in order to pay the bills.

Just a goal revisited.

So let's amend:
Goal #2: Pay off "dumb" debt, THEN work toward my savings goal, with an emergency savings fund in place to protect me.

On a side note: I did have my "AHA" Moment the other day. I am giving it a week though before I write about it. I need some more thinking time. The more I live in the now, and work on myself and my happiness, the more clarity I get!

Cheers to that!

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