Sunday, January 15, 2012

40 days of love...

I started the 40 days of love initiative, a church wide program at my church, created by Rick Warren, creator of The Purpose Driven Life. My action plan for the week is to reach out to someone I have not shown love to in awhile. I have the whole week to do it, but had 3 opportunities today to accomplish this task. The first was that my favorite professor from law school reached out to me to help her unpack from moving, because her husband was in the ER for stroke symptoms, and she had no help. First, thankfully he returned home this evening in good condition, with much lower blood pressure. But in the meantime, I spent a wonderful afternoon with one of my favorite people, helping her in a time of need.

Second, an email friend, whose blog has changed so many people's lives, had to rush home to her parents' because her dad had a massive stroke. Before she sent me that email, I sent her a really nice email letting her know how much I appreciate her, and that I was sending her a special gift from a company her great great grandfather used to run in Cincinnati. Her kind response told me my message put a smile on her face during a really tough time.

Finally, a young woman I mentored when she was a senior in high school faced a difficult challenge when a close family member of hers stole her laptop and sold it for drug money. She, coming from a low income family, was devastated because she had no way of getting another laptop before returning to school next week. She provided me proof of her circumstances, and I was able, in a few hours, to raise some money for a new laptop for her. I get to give it to her on Friday; I am so excited!

What a great day! And in case anyone was wondering, somehow I also managed to go through and declutter a lot of kitchen stuff. This week I am taking inventory, and then demo on Saturday!

Hope everyone has a nice week!

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