Saturday, January 14, 2012

Completing nagging tasks

With regard to my 6th January goal: I am proud to say that tonight I sat my butt down and hand wrote the last 30 or so thank you cards from my JUNE wedding, that have been lingering over my head for months. It. Felt. So. Good. I highly recommend zapping tasks you know you need to get done - it almost feels as good as paying down a debt.

Next nagging task: (Coincides with Goal 5- toss, restore and organize) go through all kitchen items tomorrow. Declutter. Box what we can sell, and inventory what we are keeping. Why inventory? Because we start demo on our kitchen next weekend! Alleluia I am getting a new kitchen after 2.5 years of a very crappy old, crumbling kitchen that came with our foreclosure! So since I want to simplify, I am inventorying what we are keeping so my husband (an architect/designer) can calculate the cabinet space we will need. I am so excited I can hardly sit still. I will post pics as we go. It will be a challenge going without a kitchen for a bit, but I am up for the task, because I known what the reward of my patience will be! Something way better, and more useful than what I have now.

With regard to my amended goal #2, I am happy to report I paid a large chunk on an old credit card debt, and am on scheduled to have it paid off next month! So much to be grateful for. Life is good, and getting better!

Everyone enjoy their Sunday!

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